Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trials of Life-3

These are my descriptions and interpretations of again, the "Trials of Life," DVD. This blog entry is most concerned with interesting examples of mimicry and mutualism in nature.An example of mimicry would be when the walking stick imitates the appearance of leaves in order to achieve a camouflaged look and guard against its predators. The Praying Mantas mimicking the flowery color and appearance of the white orchid while it lies in wait for its prey is another example of mimicry in nature.

One example of mutualism would be the relationship between shrimp and the Gobi. The two species live together in a cave excavated by the shrimp. In return to the shrimp, for having provided the home the share, the Gobi, with his excellent eyesight serves as a guide and protector of the blind shrimp. The shrimp stays in contact with the Gobi by constantly touching the fish with his own antennae. Through this connection the Gobi can tell the shrimp when it is safe to wander out of the cave or when to stay within because predators are in the vicinity. This relationship is symbiotic because they need each other in order to survive. A second example of mutualism would be the relationship between deer and monkeys. In this instance, the monkeys forage in trees and in doing so, drop leaves which the deer pick up and eat. When the monkeys wander down to scavenge for food on the ground, the deer act to warn the monkeys if a predator comes near so that the primates may escape safely back up into the tree tops. This represents a non-symbiotic mutualism since both species could survive without each other and so they have a facultative relationship with each other. These relationships are both good examples of co-evolution because they demonstrate adaptations and contribute to the continued survival of each species involved.

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